Monday, May 26, 2008

"Verliebt in Berlin": Backstage-Video Train 2005

No news this time, just FINALLY, the famous train-clip, that I wanted to subtitle since a year now!!

Mathis + Alexandra in the train for a
ViB-PROMOTION in Hamburg

(Sat1 Presse-Presentation of their TV-programs for 2005)
5 weeks after shooting-start / 5 semaines apres début de tournage

2004-Dec-15_ Shooting start ViB (LDDL)
2005-Jan-24_ Train to Hamburg (18:20)
_ 13:30 ViB-Interviews Mathis+Alex
_ 22:00 Sat1 Presentation TV-programs for 2005
2005-Feb-28_ ViB-Episode 1 on TV!

German + ENGLISH subtitles
Translation by Sanna99
Allemand + sous-titres FRANCAIS
Traduction par fans Sanna99 et aidé
de Shnoukie :-)

youtube-video Mathis+Alex in Train youtube-video Mathis+Alex in Train

(Video 5 min)

Mathis+Alex in Train / title Mathis+Alex in Train / dates