Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mathis Künzler - Timeline

Mathis Kuenzler - Timeline
(to be edited later)

Theatre in Zürich: "Absolut Züri Ep.4 Lucas Gespenst"
ONE last performance in ca. 200-seats theatre "Tonimolkerei" (was an industry building)
This one day ALL the 8 episodes of "Absolut Züri" will be played in a row, from morning till late night!! (They're crazy LOL! Poor main actors *shock*)

2008-04-18 ... 06-01
Shooting Samir-Movie "Räuberinnen / Robber Girls / Filles Brigandes"
3 weeks in Switzerland, then 3 weeks in Luxembourg.
"Freaky Fable / Fable grotesque", very bloody, crazy comedy.
Mathis Künzler as a guy turned prostitute lady "Frida", then robber girl.
(Finally! Had been planned for autumn 2006, a few months after the end of "Verliebt in Berlin", but then put off and off and off due to financial probs)

2008-03-05 ... 09
Theatre in Zürich: "Absolut Züri Ep.4 Lucas Gespenst"
(Mathis Kuenzler as resurrected ghost of Andreas, techno freak, died young, now amusing himself with harassing his boring old friends)
In tiny and most special theater "Winkelwiese" (50 seats (on the stage!), 9 performances, 1h, last two on Sunday were additional)