The end of an era?
"The" big german Mathis-Forum is closing!
Next Monday already :-((
I was rather shocked to hear this a few days ago, although it didn't come completely unexpected. Many of the members felt at home there, and the admin Nina did a great job and worked very hard to create and update an orderly collection of everything, but it's long since known that RealLife hit and left her absolutely no free time anymore. She tried very very long to still keep it up, but no chance it seems. And I'm afraid, her #1 Mathis-FanSite could vanish too, but no idea :-( This concerns the forum at teardrops and possibly mathis-kuenzler/
Of course the members and mods want to continue, there is already a temporary new forum, and in a couple weeks all will move again into another, final NEW FORUM. No prob for present and future Mathis-stuff, but alas no one seems to know at this point how much from the old topics can possibly be transferred, and Nina is 'almost' as hard to reach as MK :-P So meanwhile Michi and a few others are already working like crazy to rescue as much as possible.
But the disaster is that (as far as I know), this is the last big forum from our great "Verliebt in Berlin" era! The two other major ones, Sat1 and vibfan, are already deleted long since, and especially vibfan and the Sat1-videos were a huge loss, as well as some great fan sites. But now what will remain? If all the major contemporary sources with all the great discussions and lots of exciting fan stuff have vanished from the web, it will almost be as if all that ViB hype never happened This was the last of the main forums that contained our ViB- and Mathis-history of the time, in all details, was also a great archive for researching stuff, alas the last one left. Where shall one look now to figure out what happened when and how exactly, and what the fans thought about it at the time?
The Mathis-media stuff will surely make the move, and there are a few other, smaller ViB-forums, or specialized ones (like fanfic), or rather young ones (Alex-forum started only a few weeks before the end of ViB1), but much much past information may survive now only on a few private fan computers :-(
Sorry, I'm having the blues at the moment, although there's still a bit hope to transfer the complete old forum... And of course this is all just my personal opinion, and must admit I'm rather clueless about the Rokko-Cortez-fandom, but sorry, don't feel like searching around there ;-)