Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Räuberinnen": Spoiler-Update

Oh.. my... g.. *shock*
The german Räuberinnen-page is brandnew updated: Now the story has really changed again - it was bizarre, but it's always possible to get even more bizarre... And bloody cruel, uahh...

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Now poor Joseph gets blinded, and it's not him anymore that Emily tries to rescue by delivering herself, but her friend Trizi (who still gets her tongue torn out!)
(End spoiler)
Warning: Tons of spoilers, very long and detailed!
Dschoint Ventschr: RAEUBERINNEN

(I suppose the english page will soon get updated as well)

Swiss press:
The movie will be shown in the swiss cinemas in automn 2008!
(Edit a bit later: currently they say in Dec 2008)

(Well, that thing is really extreme, so let's wait and see... )

New article in swiss yellowpress (2008-04-26)
(2nd Mathis-Photo, see above!)
«In ‹Räuberinnen› wird zwar an einigen Stellen Gewalt und Sexua­lität in böser und irritierender Form dargestellt, aber der Film ist auf keinen Fall pornografisch», ­betont Samir. (...) «Die Männer sind in ihrem Film mit wenigen Ausnahmen dumm, böse und gewalttätig. Die Frauen stehen dem jedoch in nichts nach!»

Traduc Sanna99:
«C'est vrai que dans "Filles Brigandes" on présente parfois de la violence et s*xualité d'une manière méchante et irritante, pourtant le film n'est en aucun cas porn*graphique», confirme Samir (=Producteur) (...) «Les hommes dans son film (de realisatrice C. Lia Monti) sont, avec peu d'exceptions, stupids, méchants et violants. Cependant les femmes ne le sont pas moins!»

«It may be true that in "Robber Girls" in some scenes violence and sexuality are depicted in an evil and irritating manner, but in no way is the movie pornographic» stresses Samir. (...) «The men in her movie (of director C. Lia Monti) are, with few exceptions, stupid, evil and violent. The women though are so no bit less.»
Hum, not really my taste :-((